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  • Pancake Swap Provider Error – Easy Fix
  • January 15th2025

Pancake Swap Provider Error – Easy Fix

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Hello everyone, welcome in. David Tatera here. I'm going to share a little tech tip video today with you. Recently my business partner and I decided to take a flyer on some tokens. Some Safemoon, some SafeMars, HAPPY token. Some of those moonshots where you put a little bit in and you see what the heck happens.

But in the process we ran into some problems. There's a dreaded, "no provider error". It seems to be really common. A lot of people running into it. I read a lot about it, but I didn't find a lot of good solutions online. It took me a while and I did some searching and eventually I figured it out. It's pretty easy actually. So rather than leave you stuck, I'm going to put together a quick video and I'm going to let you follow along on my phone as I get past that dreaded no provider error.

Pancakeswap.Finance No Provider Was Found

Let's dive right on in. You can see here, I've got my Android phone pulled up and I'm going to use Chrome and pull up Pancakeswap.finance in my Chrome browser. This is what most people do when they're starting and trying to get on Pancakeswap.

Once you're on here, the next thing you're going to want to do is click that connect button up in the top right hand corner to connect your Trust Wallet. It pulls up a little screen like this for your Metamask wallet, whatever one, but you'll notice for most of us when we click on connect... no provider was found, provider error.

Go To The Trust Wallet Browser

Trust Wallet D-App Browser

There aren't a lot of answers for how to solve this, but really it's actually pretty simple. The main problem is that you're using the wrong browser. So now go back to your Trust Wallet or whatever wallet you're using. You'll see at the bottom, there's that little Dapps button. That's actually a Decentralized apps web browser. It's a web 3.0 browser that is capable of using smart chain assets. So anytime, whether it's Uniswap or Pancakeswap, any of those exchanges, you want to do it from that browser.

If you happen to have an iOS phone, mine's an Android phone, but if you have iOS, there's one extra step you're going to have to do. Basically you have to add that Dapp browser on to your wallet. So you can see this picture of a iPhone and it does not have it. It only has the wallet, the exchange, it doesn't have the Dapp portion.

iOS Disables The Dapp Browser

I have spoken to countless iOS users who are going crazy wondering where the Dapp browser is in their Trust Wallet. Apple has disabled it, but you can change that super fast, just read below. 

Using The Dapp Browser

To fix this we need to pull open a Safari browser with no tabs in it, an empty Safari browser. And you're gonna want to enter https://link.trustwallet.com/browser_enable. Once you enter that, like it shows here, you're going to see it pop open that says cancel or open. Click open. And the next thing you know, it's going to start allowing you to access the Dapps browser from your trust wallet.

So that's the quickest and best way for you to get that added. Once you have that working, whether it's Android or iOS, we're ready to rock and roll. So now that we've got that added and we've got the Dapps option you're going to want to go back into your trust wallet and click on that Dapps link down at the bottom of your wallet.

Access Pancakeswap.finance

This is going to pop you right over into what looks like a browser window. This is your Dapps browser. Basically it's a web 3.0 browser, that's able to operate off of the blockchain. It takes a minute to load, I'm loading PancakeSwap here. There's going to be one more little step before we connect our wallet that we're gonna want to make sure of.

Pancakeswap Choose Network

If you notice up at the top right hand corner of my screen, there's a little icon there. I'm going to highlight it. It looks like the BNB icon for Binance, That's because I'm operating on the Binance Smart Chain right now. You're going to want to click on that little icon and make sure that it is set to the correct network that you want to operate on. So, depending on what exchange you are using, you might need to be on an Ethereum network or a Binance network, just depends what tokens you want.

Choose The Right Blockchain Network

So like I said, I'm using Binance with PancakeSwap, so I'm gonna click on it. That is going to pull up a little list of all the different options that I have, where I can connect to different types of networks. When it pulls that up here in just a second I'm going to select Binance and make sure it's Smart Chain. The second one down. That's where I'm going to do my buying. So I clicked on smart chain.

Smart Chain Network PancakeSwap

Now I know that that the web browser is using the right protocols. So next I need to actually connect it. There's a little blue button up in the top right hand corner that says connect. That's our next thing. Once we click on that, it's going to go and it's going to pull straight from our wallet that we're inside of right now.

I pick Trust Wallet and say, I want to connect it to my Trust Wallet. Instead of seeing that thing that says connect, suddenly it's going to pull up that, right there. Those numbers tell me I have now connected it to my Trust Wallet. I can go, I can trade. I can make exchanges. I can do whatever I need to from this point. So that should get you up and running in a Pancakeswap.

Feel free to comment below with any questions you have. You can also check my post about how to solve matic not showing up in metamask wallet problem. Thanks again, and Aloha!

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