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  • How To Buy Safemoon On PancakeSwap
  • December 8th2024

How To Buy Safemoon On PancakeSwap

This is NOT financial advice. Please see our Financial and Affiliate Disclosures below for more details.

Hello everyone. David Tatera here today and I am going to show you a walk through of how you connect Pancakeswap to your Trust Wallet so that you can go out and buy all those alt coins.

Whether it's Safemoon, Safemars or the HAPPY coin. There's all kinds of different tokens and coins available in Pancakeswap.

Start In Your Trust Wallet

It can be a little tricky figuring out how to correctly link this to your wallet. I use a trust wallet. There's a couple of little hoops. If you don't get them right, it won't work, but I'm going to literally walk you through the entire process of me buying some Safemoon coins on Pancakeswap.

As you can see here, I've got my Android phone pulled up and I'm going to pop on over there to Chrome and pull up Pancakeswap.finance. This is what most people do when they're starting out and trying to get on Pancakeswap. So once you're on the here, the next thing you're going to want to do is click that connect button up in the top right-hand corner to connect this with your trust wallet.

No Provide Was Found - Provider Error

You'll notice for most of us when we click on connect, "no provider was found provider error". There aren't a lot of answers for how to solve this, but really it's actually pretty simple. The main problem is that you're using the wrong browser. Go back to your Trust Wallet or whatever wallet you're using. You'll see at the bottom there's that little D-apps thing. That's actually a D-apps web browser. It's a web 3.0 browser that is capable of using smart chain assets.

Pancakeswap No Provider Was Found

So anytime whether it's Uniswap or Pancakeswap or any of those exchanges, you want to do it from that browser. Now, if you happen to have an iOS phone, mine's an Android phone, if you have iOS, there's one extra step you're going to have to do.

Find The D-App Browser On Iphone

If you have an iPhone you will notice there is no D-App Browser. On iPhones it lists as just "Browser" but it may not be there at all, if so check below for instructions to fix this.

You Have To Use The D-App Browser

You have to add the D-app browser. You can see this picture of a iPhone and it does not have it. It only has the wallet, the exchange, it doesn't have the Browser portion. First, you need to pull open a Safari browser with no tabs in it, an empty Safari browser. Next enter https://link.trustwallet.com/browser_enable.

Once you enter that link, you'll see it pop open where it says cancel or open and you click open. Next thing you know, it's going to start allowing you to access the D-apps browser from your trust wallet. That's the quickest and best way for you to get that added. Once you have that added, whether it's Android or iOS, we're ready to rock and roll.

Now you're going to want to go back into your trust wallet and click on that D apps link down at the bottom of your wallet. It is going to pop you right over into what looks like a browser window. This is your D apps browser. Basically, it's a web 3.0 browser that's able to operate off of the blockchain.

Trust Wallet D-App Browser

Load PancakeSwap In D-App Browser

It takes a minute to load, I'm loading Pancakeswap here. There's going to be one little step before we connect our wallet with Pancakeswaps, we're going to want to make sure of one thing. Notice up at the top right-hand corner of my screen, there's a little icon there. I'm going to highlight it. It looks like the BNB icon because I'm operating on the Binance chain right now. You can Checkout my article on how to get binance smart chain on metamask to know more about it.

You're going to want to click on that little icon and make sure that it is set to the Binance network. So I'm going to click on it, and it's going to pull up a little list of all the different options that I have where I can connect to different types of networks. When it pulls that up here in just a second, I'm going to select Binance smart chain the second one down. 

Set Your Browser To The Right Network

Smart Chain Network PancakeSwap

I clicked on smart chain. Now I know that that the web browser is using the right protocols. Next I need to connect it. There's that little blue button up in the top right hand corner that says connect. That's our next thing. Once we click on that, it's going to go and pull straight from our wallet.

You're going to pick which one I'm inside a Trust Wallet. I want to connect it to my trust wallet I click on that piece, and instead of seeing the thing that says connect, it's going to pull up that which tells me I have now connected it to my trust wallet.

I can go, I can trade. I can make exchanges. I can do whatever I need to from this point. Now that I've got it all connected, I'm ready to dive on in and purchase some Safemoon coin. That's the demonstration coin I am going to buy today.

The Right Pancakeswap Currency

Pancakeswap requires Smart Chain BNB. Not regular BNB or wrapped BNB, but Smart Chain BNB. Otherwise you will get errors and your trades won't go through. 

My Current Safemoon Balance

I went back to my trust wallet really quickly, just to show you, I've got about 1.6 million safe cons, which if you don't know much about it, that's probably a couple of dollars, $10, $20. I don't even know. It's a very small amount, because it's a very inexpensive coin, but I just want to show you my balance before we begin, so that when we get to the end of this tutorial and you see the numbers shift it's not confusing.

I start with 1.6 million, that's what I have in the bank. First step, now we're back over in pancake swap and I'm going to enter how much I want to purchase. I put in the amount of Binance that I was willing to spend to buy Safemoon. Then I have to pick my token, which is called Safemoon.

Safemoon Special Warnings

SafeMoon Special Warning

First thing that pops up when I put in the name Safemoon, there is this little warning. If you don't know much about safemoon, it is kind like an MLM meets a crypto. I'm not entirely sure, it's got a bunch of fees because you pass some of it on to other people who are also owners of Safemoon.

Because of this you get this little extra pop-up which tells you some of your fees are going here. Some of your fees are going there. You have to click on the little, I understand and agree, in order to move on from here to purchase the coin. So I agreed and now it's going to show me how much Safemoon Coin I am going to be getting for my Binance.

There I'm transferring my 0.019 Binance and you can see that I'm going to get 1.6 million, now 1.4 million. It's going to shift with these little alt coins, you're going to watch the numbers go up and down and pop all over the place because, as everybody's buying in and out the rates move. When you're dealing with such tiny volumes it makes pretty big jumps.

Watch it and figure out what moment you feel like jumping in, and then you hit the swap. Along the way, if you have problems, there's a thing called tolerance. To get to tolerance you want to go up here to the little crosslines with the three little verticals next to the clock looking thing. That's where you're going to get to your tolerance settings. It's called slippage, actually slippage tolerance. What slippage tolerance means is how much are you willing to allow the price to fluctuate between when you say I want to buy it and when you actually get it.

Change Your Slippage Tolerance

So normally one half percent, those are kind of more normal. When you're buying these alt coins, such small volumes, it can shift all over the place on you in the blink of an eye. In order to get some of these transactions through, you may have to bump that tolerance up.

That's why mine's at 12% right there. I'm saying that the price of this thing can shift by 12%, and I still want to buy it. Anything less than that, all my orders keep getting rejected, because before I actually get my order placed, the price has changed by that much.

Only do what you're comfortable with. Once again, not a financial advisor here, but that is the way this setting works. That's what it's meant to be there for. Back to the order screen and I am going to confirm my swap. Here we go. We're waiting. We're waiting. Oh, the transaction did not go through insufficient output amount, probably an issue with one of the tokens you're swapping.

This happens. This happened to my business partner. This happened to myself. This seems to be kind of a common thing when you're dealing with these alt coins dismiss, try again. This is what I've had to do to get it to successfully go through. So you click dismiss. It comes back. It's going to give you another price. You try again, you click confirm, swap, and Oh, it didn't go through again. All right. Let's see what happens. Click on dismiss again.

900,000 Coins For $1.30

We're going to go back through this loop again, this time I'm going to change them out. I'm going to say... What happens if I decide I only want to buy that much of it. I think the higher volume you're trying to buy, the more you may have to bump that slippage tolerance up, but you'll notice when I put this volume down this time, I'm actually going to get a confirmation screen.

Here. It goes, it's loading. It's gonna take just a second, but there we go. We have a confirmation screen confirming that I have a transaction. I need to approve it. That's going to be the last step, clicking on that approved button. You'll see it loading and boom transaction submitted.

This means that it's very likely I've actually purchased the crypto. There's still one more step before we're confirmed because I have seen it fail after this. I've seen the information in the trust wallet come through and say, smart transaction declined. We're gonna go back to our wallet, take a look in here, and the first step we can look at is our smart chain. We can see that, yes, in fact, that top transaction sent today, is the Binance smart chain that I just spent to buy Safemoon.

I spent 1.21 right there. Now you can look over here and see that the smart call was executed an even better sign, it looks like we're moving along. Then, boom, there's the sign we were looking for 2.305 million safe coins now. So for that 1.30 or whatever, I got another 900,000 safe coins.

I've spent $15 total, probably spent half of that in fees and stuff. I don't even know, but that's it. We've successfully purchased Safemoon.

The Truth Of Alt-Coins

I have watched Alt-Coins for a while and they are crazy. The fly up and down, all over and are very unpredictable.  This is really more like roulette than investing, so be cautious and be safe. 

Learning To Use The Platform Now So That You Are Ready

To be perfectly honest with you, I don't know anything about safe moon. I heard the name, it seemed popular. It was another one of those flyer altcoins. More than anything for me, this is an academic exercise.

I know that at some point along the way, I am going to see an alt coin that I want to buy, and I want to know how to do it. I want to be familiar with it. I don't want to have to learn the entire process at that point. So I think it's worth taking a chance and spending 10 or 20 bucks on an alt coin, just to get a chance to go through the process.

In fact, another video coming up soon, I'm gonna show you another token called happy token. That's even harder to buy than this. It's even more complicated than this, but it's worth learning all of these because some of these can be the real, gold mines, where you can make a ton off of them. At least that's what I've heard. Like I said, not financial advice.

Thank you guys. I appreciate you joining me and learning all about this. I hope you have wonderful luck getting Safemoon or any other Altcoin. Once again, we've got all the errors at the beginning, get through and make sure , your trust wallet is properly connected with your Pancakeswap. Then it's a matter of getting those slippage tolerance settings set, right, and getting the amount that you're buying set so that it can approve it.

Once you get that, just try, try again until it comes through. If you run into questions along the way, please ask them in the comments. I am happy to do some research and try to come up with the answers. I am learning this as we go along too. 

It's exciting for me. Thank you again much. Aloha.

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