Hi everyone. David Tatera here again with CryptoTutorials.org. Today, I am going to do KuCoin Review and show you exactly how and why you should be switching all of your crypto over to KuCoin. Yeah, it's true. Today right now it's Saturday, May 29th. We've had a pretty wild month and the last 24 hours in particular.
Bitcoin is at 38, sorry, 33, 8, $33,800. That's where Bitcoin is right now. So I am right in the middle of all this chaos, and it's even sped up my switching to KuCoin. And spead up, my business partner, Jason, who you're going to start seeing more and more on this channel, his switching over to KuCoin.
I think it makes sense for most of us, for a couple different reasons.
KuCoin Review
So let's talk about KuCoin. A few things that I really, really, really love about KuCoin. Number one, biggest one for me, no KYC. If you don't know it, if you're new to the crypto industry, KYC stands for know your customer. So when you fill out that Gemini form or that Coinbase form, and you have to show them your ID and your passport or your social security, number 12 different documents to prove who you are. That's called KYC.
That's the "know your customer". They need that information. KuCoin does not require any of this. All you need for KuCoin is a mobile phone number and email address. That's it, you make up a password and you're in, they don't even ask your name, where you live. Also they don't ask what you do for a living because they don't want to see any of your documents. None of it that.

How to set up KuCoin Account?
You can get a KuCoin account set up with literally just your password and your phone number and an email address. Absolutely wonderful. Especially for someone like me. I happen to live in Hawaii. If you live in New York, you know what? Some of us just have been put in places where crypto is very demonized and they've limited what we can do. Our access.
I can use a handful of different exchanges. That's it. I can use Kraken, Gemini, a few of them. but there's a lot of exchanges that I can't access. I can't access Coinbase, Binance.us.
KuCoin has been absolutely wonderful for me because it allows me access to all the different crypto that I want and it doesn't require me to prove who I am. Now as a quick caveat. I think that technically this is not how it's supposed to be. US exchanges are supposed to have KYC. There's a chance someday in the future that they may require you to prove who you are, where you live.
In the past, when this has happened with exchanges, they've always let people get their money out. They may say "until you prove who you are, you can't do any more trading in here", or "you can't add any more money into here", but at no exchange has ever said, "you can't get your money out". I don't expect this to be any different.
I'm putting my money in there, so I trust it pretty well. I just want you to know, don't want there to be a surprise if six months from now, the federal government changes a rule and suddenly you find out that you can only withdraw your money from KuCoin. You can't exchange it there anymore. It's entirely possible.
On top of this I see the second huge, huge bonus. KuCoin has low fees. I'm talking way, low fees. If you keep some of the native KuCoin tokens, you're going to pay 0.8%, eight tenths of 1%. Let me just give you this into perspective.
Kucoin has Low fees
This is what brought Jason and all of his assets completely over to KuCoin with me. This happened last month. There was a point at which he decided he wanted to buy in some Cardano. He was going to buy in a couple of thousand dollars worth of Cardona. I think. And it was $70 for the fees he calculate. That he had to pay when he, when he purchased that Cardano. Which isn't terrible, pretty normal for most crypto things.
But he asked me, he said, Hey, what if I'd done that on KU coin? What would the fee have been? And I looked it up and it was $4. I mean, you're paying $4 instead of $70. That's almost 20 times. The fees 0.8% is so ridiculously cheap. It means that if I see a bad moment in the market and I want to pull my Ethereum and stick it into Tether, and buy it again later, no big deal. I can totally do that. I don't have to worry about,
I'm not going to pay some giant gas fee. I'm not going to get screwed around with a bunch of, 7% fees, like some of these other ones do. Now, when you do eventually remove this crypto from your account, there are going to be some fees. But actually those are come from the blockchains themselves. That's not even from KuCoin.
So you'd have to pay that whether you were at Binance or Coinbase or any of these places are gonna charge you it. But lowest fees that I've found anywhere. And that is huge for me, because I like to be able to move my money around.
What Coins are available at Kucoins?
Next up for KU coin. I want to talk about what coins are available? What can I get there on there? 'm going to do a really quick demonstration. That'll let you know how you can check any coin you may be interested in. Find out exactly where to get it. Is it available on KuCoin?
I'll tell you, KuCoin has a great selection of coins. Whether it's Polygon MTIC Cardano, you know, all the big ones Ethereum, Bitcoin, Litecoin. And other ones like Maker and Tezos, plus you can do staking on there. It's a great platform. It's a very diverse platform that carries a lot.
Let's do a really quick look over to see if there's a particular coin you're interested to make sure that it's available for you on KuCoin. Then I'll come right back and I'll finish talking about all the great things that I like about this exchange.
You've probably been to this site before, but hop on over Coingecko.com. It is going to list most tokens. There's some obscure ones... if you're trying to buy DragonInu or some obscure altcoin, they may not show up in here. But almost all of the major tokens, they're going to show up on here and those little ones aren't going to be carried on any real major exchanges. They're only on the Defi exchanges like Pancakeswap and Uniswap anyways.
So you know, you're looking and wondering... is doge coin on KuCoin. Hop over here to Dogecoin, and you're going to see there's a little tab called markets. When you scroll down here to the markets tab, it is going to pull up this giant list of exchanges and markets it's available on.
Who is handling more volume?
So obviously Binance, Kraken and we're going to scroll down here. We're going to look for our friend KuCoin. Let's see, there it is. KuCoin. It's on here. You can see that, not as much liquidity. The volume on KuCoin is about a million bucks in the last 24 hours versus some of these... 600 million on Binance. So obviously Binance is handling a lot more volume. 20% of the volume of DogeCoin is going through Binance.
But it's on there and it's price isn't that different. The price on a Binance is 0.295. And what did we see for KuCoin down here? .29533 So, we're talking in the last decimals where it's changed. Anyway, you can do that for any coin that you like.
If you find something more obscure that you really want to know about, you can scroll down here, it's got hundreds and hundreds of pages of tokens. Is fusion on KuCoin. I have no idea and i know nothing about fusion, but I can pull it up here in the market list and I can see it's on Huobai. It's on BitBox. It looks like it's on Binance. Does not look to be on KuCoin. So that would be one I cannot buy here, but anyway, that's how you look it up. That's how you figure out if it's there and if it's available for you on KuCoin.
Another great thing about KuCoin is that it has a full featured app and website. That's right. You can trade on the app. You can keep track of all your tokens on the app. You can also do it on the website. If you prefer doing it on your desktop or your laptop.
You have a lot of options when it comes to trading, but these aren't like skimpy basic. The app isn't some stripped down version. The app is wonderful. I love it because I do most of my trading from my desktop. I prefer to do it there, but it's really nice that if I want to take a peak at something, if I happened to be out at the park and I look at it and I go, whoa, that thing shot up and I want to sell it. Boom. I can do it right from the app, right from my phone. Easy, no problem. So great app, great, great website.
Kucoin is full featured exchange
This is a full featured exchange. This is not some stripped down exchange like some of them are. You get all the charts, you get the bots, you get access to margin and limit orders. Complex things like stop limits and stop markets. I'm going to go into detail what all these are when we actually show you the trading platform. But I want you to know this is one of the most full featured exchanges that I've come across. I've been really impressed.
I've used almost every exchange I can, and this one, like I said, is his head and shoulders above the rest, KuCoin also offers trading bots, so you can make your own bot. You can copy someone else's bot. You can set it up if you want to try to get in and out and catch those little dips and dives like that. You can totally trade with a trading bot.
I've never gotten it yet. I don't know how effective it is. I'm interested in trying it and I want to see what I can get from it. But at this point, I don't have any actual empirical evidence to speak for him. So I don't really know if it's any good, but it's there, and guess what? It's free.
There's no charge to use the bots. There's no charge to make the bots. You can go on there and you can look and see who's bot has performed the best over the last week, two weeks, 10 weeks, and just literally click copy it, copy their bot. So if you want to try bot trading and that sort of passive income style of crypto, by all means it's available for you on KuCoin. It's wonderful, and it's cheap.
Kucoin has Referral Program?
Lastly, KuCoin also does have a referral program. I have absolutely no idea what you get for it, but I do have a link in the description. That is my referral link. If you decide that you want to sign up for KuCoin, do me a favor, click the link. I'd love to find out what I get for it. I will be happy to let you guys know. I don't think it's going to be anything huge, but who knows, maybe I'll get a few free coins or something out of it. If you're going to sign up anyways, throw me a little love and click that link for me.
Now on to some of the cons. Some of the things that aren't as positive with KuCoin. Because just like anything else, every exchange has its good and every exchange has its bad things. One of the things that's frustrating about KuCoin is that it's technically not legally allowed in Hawaii. It's hard to get exact answers on whether it's illegal or just not approved. But it's definitely not a hundred percent, up and up like Coinbase or some of those other exchanges.
This is a little bit of a challenge, because, the last thing you want to do is get your money stuck somewhereI've heard nightmare stories of people who've used VPNs to log into Binance overseas, and then suddenly their money was frozen when they needed to prove who they were.
Most exchanges, if they've gone from no KYC to an exchange that actually has some KYC. It happened with BitMEX. When they did it, they allowed you to take your money out. So I'm not worried about getting my money stuck in there. I don't feel that that's anything that I need to be afraid of.
The people of KuCoin have been really awesome in a lot of other cases. So I think we're going to be fine that way, but I just want to give you that warning. That's really my biggest wish, that this was fully legitimately, on the up and up. It is not. So you need to be a little bit careful.
And then the other thing that can be a little bit difficult with KuCoin is, it's still kind of a smaller exchange. It's a top 10, but it's not as big as Binance or some of these other ones. so it's not gonna have as much liquidity. Uh, what does that mean? That means that if you're going to buy 10 grand in Ethereum, 10 grand in Bitcoin, something like that may take a little bit to get that order filled.
You may want to set up a limit order, so you're not paying market prices on it because, if you have low liquidity and you pay market price, sometimes you pay a little more than you thought you were. So you may want to set up a limit order and buy through a limit order. I haven't found the liquidity to be a major problem. Personally, I'm not trading huge amounts of money, but just to give you the heads up, in case you are someone who's going to go in and trade massively, they don't have the highest liquidity. Not as high as some of the other exchanges.
History of KuCoin
Now I want to jump on over and talk a little bit about who KuCoin is, the owners of the company, how it was founded and kind of where it all came from. When you put your money into a crypto exchange you generally send your crypto over to them for holding in a wallet on that exchange. So I think it's really important before you do that, to make sure that you review and know a little bit about the company that you're actually going to be sending it into.
So here's KuCoin, and you can see it was started in 2017, with the initial ICO. You can come down here and this is the main team. We've got a couple of co-founders. All of these guys and then the initial CEO,. This gentleman, Michael Gan. He is this gentleman right here, involved in a variety of different projects, working with Alibaba, a couple of different crypto projects. They got KuCoin launched back in 2017 and it took off.
It did really well had 350 trading pairs available in the first year Grew and became a pretty significant player on the market quite quickly. In fact, at this point of this article that I'm making one out of every four coin holders in the world has a KuCoin account. One out of every four people who has crypto, has an account with KuCoin, that's significant, that's quite a lot.
This is a place where you can see kind of some of the investors and you can see some of the early stage investors into KuCoin. If you're not familiar, IDG Capital, Matrix Partners, these are pretty big names in the blockchain space. They invest in a lot of different Brock blockchain projects.
It's nice to see some names like that, that you're familiar with investing in a company. It gives it some reputability because these guys aren't going to invest in a company that's not going to take care of their people. That's not going to treat their people well.
Kucoin got hacked?
An important thing that happened about eight months ago, back in September KuCoin was hacked. So this is a significant thing to know about. It happened on September 25th and it was one of the largest hacks ever, $275 million worth of cryptocurrency were stolen from KuCoin. Here's a listing of all the different coins that were taken, 10 million in Bitcoin, 4 million in Ethereum, $20 million in tether, all total in a very, very quick amount of time. That was the hack.
This is not an unusual thing for crypto. Hacks happen. Mount GOX exchange was completely shut down because of a hack. Most exchanges undergo this at one time or another, because if you can get those hot wallet numbers, man, you can do a lot of damage. I thought KU coin handled this hack incredibly well.
Here's some information. First of all, the CEO at the time, John Liu, he said immediately that any stolen funds are going to be covered completely by an insurance fund. KuCoin has some pretty massive insurance policies and he was able to step up right away and say, "listen, don't worry about it, if your coins were taken, if you lost something in the attack, you are covered." He didn't flip around and take a bunch of time to do this. This was immediately, he came right out and said it.
Reassured the market. By October 7th, which is not even a month after this hack had happened, they had recovered $204 Million of the stolen crypto. I think the final number I read was that they got up to about 250 million of it recovered. They were able to actually track down where it had been moved to get it back somehow or another. I am not entirely sure how they pulled it off, but they got about 250 million of it back. Then the remaining 30, 40 million that was owed, got covered by that insurance fund. So it all came back.
In fact here, it's talking about this on November 22nd, two months afterwards, and all the deposits are back. All the services are back up and running. The only last thing they had was some limitations on some daily withdrawals in place, because some of the coins were still being held in legal proceedings. That's it?
So, yeah, it can be a little bit sketchy to feel like, Ooh man, I'm investing in an exchange that got hacked, but I actually think that this is a really a positive, because most exchanges are gonna experience a hack at one point or another. These guys handled it like a champ. They stood up for everybody. They told their customers, they had it covered. They had the right insurance in place. They did the right litigation and then they've cranked up their security. They've seen where some of their vulnerabilities are. They're probably significantly less vulnerable to hack at this point.
Never put all coins at one place
This is what I feel good about putting my money into KuCoin. Now I also don't recommend that you put all of your money in one location. If you start building up a significant bank of tokens, I suggest putting getting some hardware wallets. Those are by far the most secure.
Take the portion of your coins that you want to trade with and leave them in the KuCoin wallet. If you have some coins that you know you're going to sit on for three months, six months, pull them out, stick them in a hardware wallet.
It's very, very good to keep your crypto spread around so that if something were to happen, you're not fully exposed. But like I said, I don't feel worried that if you were to lose your crypto to KuCoin that you would not get it back, if they got hacked again, I have full confidence that they would, support us and help everybody get their coins back.
I am over on KuCoin and I'm going to go up to the top right corner there, where it says to sign in. It's KuCoin.com, as you can see, I'm signing up for new one. Put in my phone number and they will send me a little code. I click on that send code button and they send me the code. While doing that, it's going to require you to go through a captcha. I have to pick the, the traffic lights out of this one. I think I have to pick the cars out of this one, and then I get to move on.
Once you get that done, you're going to enter the code that you were sent and you get to create your passwords. Create your first password, create yours a second, click that you've read the terms and conditions and click the sign up button. That's literally it. At this point, you're ready to enter your account.
Before we add our coins, we're going to want to do a few things. Add a few layers of security, but literally that is all you have to do to sign up for a KuCoin account. It is every bit of that easy. Let me just hop over and show you some of the security settings that you want to get ready before you start. To add these security settings, you're going to want to start by going over here to the little circle. It probably won't have CR in there. It's going to have the first two letters of your email address that you've got to set up with, or it may not until you have an email.
Go over there, highlight that and scroll down here to account security. That's going to pull up a whole list of different things that you may want to use for security. As you can see, I've got Google verification, I've got phone verification, I've got email, I've got a trading password setup. I do not have restrict login IP. I could set that up so that it only would let me log in from one IP.
Google authenticate keeps your account safe
Then there's a few safety phrases here at the bottom. Basically what you wanna do is you want to make sure you definitely have Google verification. This is where you're going to set up that Google authenticate on your phone, and it's going to put up a little code and make you match up the codes to make sure that it's really you. It's wonderful because it avoids somebody doing the hacks where they take control of your phone.
There are notorious people who have taken control of wallets by taking control of cell phones through the cell phone companies. You can't do that with Google verification. They would actually have to physically have your phone and your password to get into your phone in order to get into your account. Good security there.
Add these other ones on. Trading password. You're going to have to create a trading password before you can do any actual trading. Simple, six digit numerical code, something easy to remember. You're going to enter it almost every time you want to do a trade, so make it something easy. It's just another step on there.
Add some safety phrases
These last few ones, email safety phrase, login safety phrase, withdrawal safety phrase. You can set these to say whatever you want them to say. For example, I can come here and for my email phrase, I can tell it to say "Yes, I really sent this email and then my initials", there you go. So that's what I now have as my email safety phrase.
What that means is... if some scammer out there happens to get my address and tries to send me an email pretending to be KuCoin. , it's not going to say that phrase. They're not going to know my email safety phrase. So the phishing attack isn't going to get anywhere, because if I don't see that safety phrase in the email, I know it's not really from KuCoin. Every single email KuCoin sends to me has that safety phrase in it.
You can set up a log in one for when you log in to make sure you're not logging into a false site to make sure you didn't get click on a link that took you somewhere by accident. You can set one up for withdraw to show in the confirmation to make sure that you're, you're not getting phished and not withdrawing it to a fake location or through a fake website. Anytime you withdraw money, it's going to have that phrase there too.
Good additional levels of security. At the very least get Google Authenticate. Get phone verification. Get email verification. Make sure you at least get those set up. Then you're going to need a trading password in order to trade.
Walkthrough of different asset groups available
Now, we're going to do a brief walkthrough of the different asset groups that are available within KuCoin. After we finish that up I'm going to take you guys into a deposit of some tokens. You can see exactly how you would get your coins in your new account, if you've signed up for your own account. Lastly, we're going to head over to the trading screen, and I'm going to show you all around the trading screen, all the great information that you can see in there and give you a view of how you put together a trade.
So first the assets. If you go up here and see a little tab that says assets right there. Click on that and it is going to pull up this KuCoin account for me. As you can see, you've got a few different options here. There is a main account. There's a trading account. There's a futures account, which has not been enabled and a PoolX account.
There are also some other accounts that that can be done on here, some margin and some limit. They're all gonna show up in here, but these are kind of the basic ones. The main account is just where you have crypto that you want to store. You're not trading it. You're not actively doing anything with it. You brought it in to the platform or you're getting ready to bring it out of the platform.
It just kind of sits and, goes up and down in value. Next one you have is your trading account. This one is going to have all of the different coins that you're buying and selling. When you go to the trading screen, everything that you have in your trading account will be available for you to trade with.
I'm just going to pull up this one because it's where I have all my coins right now. And I'm gonna show you a little bit of kind of how it looks. As you can see, I don't have a lot of different coins right now. I am currently sitting on the sidelines. It's Saturday the 29th of May, about 1:00 PM and I happen to personally think that we're going to have a rough weekend. Some prices are going to go down both tonight and tomorrow night. We have a Memorial day long weekend.
So I sold what I had out and just sat on the sidelines. I'm going to wait to re-inject my capital when I think that we're at or near a bottom. So that's why you only see these two coins. KuCoin, I always keep some KCS Tokens, because as I'll show you later, you get a better price on your trades by having KuCoin.
What is future accounts?
What it'll do is, your trading fees will deduct from this KCS balance, and you pay lower fees to do it that way. .08%, instead of .1%. So I like to always keep some coins around, uh, but you can see it's a pretty small amount. Everything else is pretty much pulled out into Tether. Back to our overview. The futures account, I don't know, I haven't started messing with it. I don't really borrow money and I'm not interested in doing margin trades. So I've never activated these features. Maybe I will just purely for demonstration purposes at some point to show everybody how it works.
Lastly, the Pool-X account. That is where you stake everything. You can see it's got transfer and stake. So if you have a coin that's stackable, like for example, some Tezos XTZ, you can move it into the Pool-X account and you can choose to stake it.
You will receive a certain amount of different coins every time. There's lots of different opportunities in there. If I go into the Pool-X account, it'll show me, it may show me what some of the different things are. It shows me what coins are available. There's a way to dig in and find out what you're going to get, how much you're actually going to get paid for staking from each one. These are the options as far as the different coins that you can stake. If you wanna earn some passive income, go for it.
How to make deposit on KuCoin?
To make it deposit on KuCoin is a pretty simple process. You're going to go over to your assets, and you're going to see a list that says main account. It's got (deposit and withdrawal). This is where you want to deposit money or withdraw money from your main account.
Once you go into here it's got a list of all these tokens. Do a quick search. Let's say I want to move some LiteCoins, LTC. If I wanted to withdraw Litecoin, I would click on the withdraw. If I wanted to transfer it, meaning move it from my main account into a staking account, into a trading account. I would click on here. It's going to let me move it from my main account to trading account or Pool-X account. Whatever accounts you have available. Choose what coin, how much of it you're going to move, confirm.
If you're looking to deposit, you're looking to move some tokens in, this is where you're going to want to go, Deposit. So click on deposit and it's going to pull it up the deposit scree. Like I said, we're already in LTC, but you can switch around to countless, countless different tokens and you can deposit any of them, which is really nice.
If you've picked up a portfolio of tokens over on another exchange and you've decided, wow, those fees look great. I want to move it into KuCoin. You don't have to deal with swapping them before you move them. You can move it all in here.
I will tell you as I do this, I like to test a small amount with almost every coin. To make sure that I'm getting it right. If it's Ethereum, or something like that, I just move it all at once because of the gas fees. But as long as it's, something without a lot of gas fees, I would rather try testing a little and make sure it moved correctly and make sure everything felt good, before I move a lot.
When you're ready to do it, you simply go to the main account of the token you want to transfer. Enter however much you're going to transfer. That's telling you that the amount that you have in there, it's going to automatically figure out how much you have when you transfer it in.
But you've got your LiteCoin wallet. So you can either copy the address if you are going to be using something else on your computer, or if you're going to be using a phone app, you can just hover over it. And it's going to pull up a QR code for you. That's got the address where you wanted to send it.
As you can see here at the bottom, I have a history that I have deposited some LTC. This was a couple of weeks back when I first started transferring things over here.No problem, it took a few hours to go through, but I just went to Gemini and I put it in and I sent it over and it was no big deal.
If you don't have any crypto, you can buy it here, but not if you live in the United States and I believe Canada also has restrictions on it. But definitely outside of the United States. There's a lot of countries that will let you go ahead and buy it with a credit or debit card. You can't transfer money from a bank account because they don't have the KYC. Because they don't take your information.
If you live in the United States, you're not going to be able to deposit money directly into it. You're going to need to put it into a different exchange and then simply send it here to trade. So if you you're doing this I would say use LiteCoin. LTC has extremely cheap fees, like 25 cents to send money around.
If I was going to take Fiat currency into KuCoin, I would buy LTC. I would send it to KuCoin and I would trade it into whatever I wanted. Once again, not financial advice consult with a professional.
Trading on KuCoin
Let's move on and we're going to talk about trading. This is one of the cooler parts of it. When you go over here, you've got the spot trading account and that is going to pull up this guy right here. This is one of my favorite, favorite things about KU coin is their trading platform. At first it can feel a little overwhelming. It's like how much red and green is there going on. There's actually a way to switch between nighttime mode and daytime mode. I think it's over here. So if you really want it to blind you, you can switch it to white background, but I find the dark background to be far easier on my eyes.
You can see right now what I'm looking at here. This is the pair that I see up here. You can see it highlighted Bitcoin to USD Tether. You can see everything is going to go in UTC. It's going to go in a standardized time code. It doesn't change based upon where you're living, so you're gonna have to do the math to translate it if you need to.
This is the candlestick chart and I'm on 30 minute candles right now. So each of these blocks is representing 30 minutes. I can scroll over here and I can see the volume that went on during that period of time. It's also pulling up the high, the low, a bunch of information about it, and I can change if I want to see, let's see what's happening on the one minute.
Here are the one minute candles and how much change is going on in one minute. How much volume is going into the exchange in that minute. If you really, really want to get detailed and granular, but you've also got a list of other trading pairs up here at the top.
Different combination for exchanges
These are all the different combinations that you can exchange between. So right now there's things like BNB to USD Tether. Doge to Tether, Sushi to Tether. Mostly because as I said, I pulled all my money out and stuck it into Tether before things got too bad and have been sitting on the sidelines, waiting for a place to re-inject my money. I have a lot of tether. I have a lot of pairs setup. But if you want to do direct exchanges. If you had Bitcoin and you wanted to swap directly into Ethereum, well there's your Ethereum to Bitcoin.
You can see how those two are moving against each other by looking at something like this. There's a long-term graph showing Ethereum to Bitcoin. So that's where your trading pairs are. The different things that you're trading between.
You can see when it's highlighted, it's going to pull up the information 24 hour high, 24 hour low. You can also look at four pairs at the same time. If you want to, you can click over here and you can hit this little four thing, and it's going to pull up this. Now, you're tracking four different pairs. So I can see BNB, Ethereum, Sushiswap, and Doge to USD tether. There's all four of those.
If I want to change it, let's say I'm not really interested in Doge and i want to know how Maker's doing then I can go over there and click on MKR and it's going to pull it up. Once again, I can click and tell that I want 15 minute candles. I can scroll my mouse to zoom in and out.
You can see as you start learning more and more about how to trade cryptos or when to trade cryptos, it's going to be really helpful. Simply clicking on buy in Gemini, you buy it whenever you buy it.
Well, you know, here it goes from 33 to 31.20 in a matter of a couple hours. It's about two hours or three hours on the graph right there. I'd like to watch that even if I'm just someone who's not really trading and going to just look for a point to buy in some MKR, I might wait for that dip. I might look for it to drop down a little bit and buy it because, Hey, you just saved 120 bucks on the price of it.
Charts are usefull
I think it's really valuable to learn how to read these charts, even to a very beginner's level. There's a lot of information and you can make better decisions when it comes time for that. I'm gonna go back to a single chart. And another couple of things that I like on these charts are right here.
If you see this little graph, it says indicators and I can pull up indicators. I have some favorites in here, average true range, moving average, exponential volume, but I can pull up other ones if I want a momentum indicator. And I wanna know the momentum, boom. I can pull it up like that. Click on it, now it's got a graph down here showing the momentum.
Here's my volume graph and here's my momentum graph, and there is my price graph. If I wanted to add an indicator, let's see, like average true range. It shows up down here and you can close out any of these. Hide that or close it.
Here's a moving average line, there's a good one. I can zoom in and see this purple line is a moving average. This orange line is a 10 day. This green one is a five day and this is the 30 day moving average also I can hide it. Let's get rid of my purple one and let's get rid of that. I only want to look at my five day moving average. Well, there's my five day moving average line which I can change it and go to a three minute candle and look at my five day average. So you can, see as much information as you could possibly want on it.
On the right is what's called the order book. So these are the people who have said, I want to sell MKR into USD Tether, and I'm willing to sell this much for this price. Hover over it and it's the price first 3084.62, volume in Maker .0013, so it's $4 worth that they're trying to sell. But that's the specific price they're willing to sell. That's a piece of the market down here. People willing to buy, this person's willing to buy at 3082, and they're willing to buy 0.14.
Um, so this is at 3085. This is at 3081. They're about $4 difference between the two of them. Somebody is going to have to come together to make this work, and the prices are going to change and fluctuate and change all the time.
If you're trying to look at the depth of the market, you really want to see what's available to buy and sell. You can switch the market depth here. If I go to tens it's going to show me 3080, 70, 60, 50, 40. And it gives me an idea how much volume is there. This is only people who have committed to the order.
How orders works here
When you say a limit order it's committed it's there. There could be some guy sitting in the background waiting to dump at a certain price, and you're never going to see it on there because he hasn't put the limit order in, but once a limit order is put in it shows up over here on the right. All the orders that actually are getting completed.
Here are the orders that are actually happening. You can see the market depth. That's kind of a graph that shows you how far out, how many people are buying it and at what prices and how many people are selling and at what prices. You can expand it if you want to look further back and further forward.
And then right down here, really important, here's that little checkbox. If you decided to go ahead and pick up some KCS. You want to save that 20% extra discount on your trading fees? You're going to want to click on this once you own KuCoin. It says, after enabling this feature KCS will pay your fees and you'll save 20%, which is awesome.
So now let's look a little bit at how we actually do a trial and I'm going to start by entering my, trading password. Now I've unlocked my trading screen. So as you can see if I wanted to, I could buy Maker right now. This is what's called a spot trade.
I don't do margins and I don't do futures. It's all leveraged trades and that scares the living bejesus out of me. If you don't know borrowing is extremely dangerous on crypto. When the big first crash happened in May, where everything kind of shot down. Even though it shot right back up most of the way, 750,000 margin traders had their accounts closed.
They didn't have enough at a certain point to cover their margin calls. So all their crypto assets were taken and the account was closed. It's just a dangerous game. Feel free to play it if you think you're great at it, but you're not going to get my advice saying that it's a good idea.
I stick with spot trades. So the current spot trade, this is what's called a market. If I'm willing to just take whatever the best market price available is, I can put it in here. I put in that I want to buy $250 in USD Tether worth of Maker. It's going to give me whatever the best priceis.
It matches with somebody right now, selling the asset. If I own some of it and I wanted to sell it, I could go over here and tell it, I wanted to sell a 0.05 maker or whatever amount I happen to own a there's these convenient hundred 50, 75, 25, but it's not going to give me the actual prices. It says here calculate after final trades because they don't know exactly what price it is going to come at. It's going to come at a market price, whatever the market is dictating.
Then you can go over here, f you want to set limit trades, which says. I want to sell my Maker above a certain price or below a certain price, I'll buy it. You can put those in here and you can tell it how much you're buying and at what price. If it goes up to 3,200, I would sell 50% of my Maker. I own nothing right now, but let's say I could sell one Maker, and that would sell for $3,210, that's what I would get.
It can calculate it now because I'm setting a price. I'm saying, sell it for at least this much money. I'm not going to get into detail on what stop limits and stock markets and all these different orders are with you. Maybe I'll make another video if you're interested, put it in the comments and I'll be glad to go do another video and explain it in detail.
But that's a different type of trades that you have available. They're useful. You also have what are called stop limit and stock market orders. Basically these just say, "At a certain price set, a market order or set a limit order."
So if when this thing, hits 2,500 and I said, I don't care at that point just sell it at whatever price you can get rid of it for. I would set 2,500 for a stop market. You can see the prices, best market available. So I'd say at $2,500, which is the stop, fire off a sell order of however much of my maker. The other one is setting a limit order, like where we set a certain price at 2,500, sell it as long as it's over 2300. You could set an order like that.
So that's how you set up those. Lastly, over here is where your open orders and your different trade history. Open orders or anything like that would fall on here. You've actually set the limit order. When you set a limit order like you have to actually have the asset in hand right here. A stop limit, you don't have to have the asset at that moment. But if you don't when it tries to execute the limit, it's not going to put the limit order in.
I don't know if that makes sense, but you know, for a limit order, you have to have the a crypto. If you want to set a limit order selling one MKR, you better have 1 Maker when you set that limit order and if you set it manually, you got to have it or it'll deny it. If you set it through a stop limit, when it tries to trigger it, it's going to say, do you have this? Nope. Oh, sorry. I'm not putting that order in.
If you have any stop orders, they're going to appear over here. As you can see, I have some right now, just in case things tank, and here's a variety of different prices that I'm willing to buy different assets at. That's my current list of them.
Order history is going to show you all the different orders that you've placed. This includes all the ones that you've canceled and completed. This can get to be pretty extensive, but if you want to reel back and review your stuff, you can. If it's getting too confusing, you can also click over here and either select just the current pair, so I only see maker to USD tether, or you can select down to see buys or sells.
There's also options to filter it and get you to see the pieces that you want. But that's your order history. All the different orders that you've placed and then trade history shows what's actually traded and what prices it actually traded at. Here's some different buys that were made and here's some different prices. You can see what type of a trade was used. These were stop limits.
These were market orders. It gives you a review of it, and it's nice because you can actually go back and look at all my trade history. It keeps it in here. In case I need it for tax purposes or if I just want to look back and see, where I made good trades, where I made bad trades, where I made mistakes and where I was successful.
That's about everything I can think of for the trading screen and really that's about everything that I can think of to share with you about KuCoin. Obviously this is a long video and I could have gone into a lot more detail, but I think that choosing your exchange is a really, really important decision.
I know that, uh, when I started out, I made a lot of mistakes by using the wrong exchange because I was in a hurry and I didn't know much about different exchanges and I spent too much money on fees and I have spent too much money transferring crypto around.
I had trouble figuring out what exchanges would, let me get the coins that I wanted. I had coins that I left, not staked, and wasn't making money, even though I was just planning to sit on them for awhile. All these types of things were confusing. After I researched it and worked through all these different ones, I came to the conclusion that this was my favorite exchange. No matter where you are in the U S you can access KuCoin.
I hope you've gotten some value out of this Kucoin Review. I hope you guys are interested in KU coin, click on my link down at the bottom. If you decide that you want to join, I'd love to see what happens with this referral link. If I can get a few referrals, cool. I'll pop up video and let you know what you get for it.